Multi-Layer Generator Enclosure Panels

Over the past three years, Polar Power has made remarkable strides in enhancing safety, reducing noise, and improving control and monitoring, and lowering the cost of ownership. These advancements stem from over a decade of insight gained through custom modifications, installations, and maintenance experiences.

We will begin our discussions with safety and noise reduction. Polar’s Multi-Layer generator enclosure panels are a standout innovation, offering a unique level of fire safety and noise reduction.

For a video demonstration in Spanish, please follow this link:

Currently, Polar’s Multi-Layer panels are standard on our Propane/LPG and natural gas vertical generator enclosures. By December, these panels will be integrated into both Horizontal and Vertical DC Generators across all fuel types, including diesel, natural gas, and LPG/propane.

Our Multi-Layer Panels, when placed on a standard UL-142 tank, can outperform the extremely costly UL-2085 cement-lined tanks. However, certification remains an issue.

Whenever fire safety and generator installation restrictions come into question, these videos can provide some clarity.